Thursday, 26 November 2015

Textual Analysis

BBC 1- Arnold Schwarzenegger
  •  Male 
  • White ethnicity
  • Upper Class (well-known/famous)
  • Female
Dominant/Alternative representation:
  • White ethnic background- Dominant: Successful and educated. 
  • Male- Dominant: Male people often host shows and is seen to be of males position on T.V.
  • Female- Alternative: Females aren't normally the centre of attraction and treated with he same level of respect than compared to men. 
  • Upper class- Dominant: More money and therefore likely to have gone to private schools to achieve good education.

Links to theory:
  • Perkins 
  • Mulvey
  • Richard Dyer
London 2012- Bond/Queen

  • White male
  • White female
  • Elderly
  • Rich/Wealthy
  • Royal
  • Children
  • Officers
  • Middle class
  • Upper class
Dominant/Alternative representations:
  • White male- Dominant: Portrayed as successful and masculine.
  • White female- Alternative: People associate royalty with kings.
  • Rich/Wealthy- Dominant: Owns a lot of land and property.
  • Children- Dominant: Act mischievous. 
  • Officers- Dominant: Respectful and loyal.
  • Middle class- Dominant: In acceptable positions in society.
  • Upper class- Dominant: Wears top clothing e.g. suit etc.
Links to theory:
  • Mulvey
  • Levi
  • Dyer
  • Perkins
BBC 3- Some Girls

  • Females
  • White female
  • Black female
  • Black male
  • Asian female
  • Teenagers (high school kids)
Dominant/Alternative representations:
  • Females- Alternative: Females are meant to be seen as caring and respectful to others, however they are portrayed as countering this representation. 
  • White female- Alternative: Seen to wear a lot of make-up and are careless.
  • Black female- Dominant: Trying to gain attention and breaks the rules.
  • Black male- Alternative: Opens the door for a female. This counter the male representation as they are seen to be more superior to women.
  • Asian female- Alternative: Seen to be respectful and disciplined however, they counter this.
  • Teenagers (high school kids)- Dominant: Teenagers are seen to be immature and poorly behaved. 
Links to theory: 
  • Perkins
  • Mulvey
  • Berger
  • Levi

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Sunday, 15 November 2015



One example that comes to mind is Avatar, a “groundbreaking” film about aliens and humanity, which, underneath it all, is the same old White Savior story. But more recently is Lucy, the film starring Scarlett Johansson in which a woman named Lucy evolves and is able to use 100% of her brain’s capacity after she unwittingly ingests a massive amount of drugs.
Lucy the film doesn’t try to hide how cute they thought they were being by naming the supreme evolved being in their film “Lucy:” they show an ape-like creature crouched by a stream to illustrate just how far human beings have come, and say as much in the opening lines, depicting vast cities built up to show our progress.
Lucy is about what humankind could be: it’s about possibilities. As Lucy’s brainpower grows stronger and the volume of knowledge she is able to access increases, she delivers monologues about how little humans understand about death, existence, and the universe, mediating on time and history. The film likes to think of itself as reimagining everything that we think we know about humanity, and presents to us their vision of what the most evolved woman on earth looks like:
A blonde white woman.
There was only one black woman in the entire film, who delivered one line and who we never saw again. The bad guys were Asian and that although in China, Lucy’s roommate says, “I mean, who speaks Chinese? I don’t speak Chinese!” which shows that they don't accept Chinese language to be a common one which is really stereotypical in european countries.

I think Lucy is one of the films in which women are portrayed to be really powerful as in most movies they are mainly the main actors valentine this makes the portrayal dominant. the film also states that there is no life without women which is totally true as the first ape was named Lucy in which was a female which started to reproduce.

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Dependency theory

I use technology in my daily life. Without the use of Internet would be really difficult as its part of my daily activity. I use the Internet to retrieve information and to also use as an entertainment system e.g YT. I think without Internet life would be dull as its one of the strongest inventions made in mankind. I also communicate with friends using social media e.g whatsapp, Instagram, snapchat etc and communicating with family members around the globe.
Secondly, the Telegraph Article does support the dependency theory as it agrees with the point that the media is so interactive with peoples lives that it has made society feel reliant on it. This is apparent in the line, “These survey results give a clear indication of just how integral the internet now is to people’s lives”. This quote illustrates that people are very much interactive with the internet and therefore, they develop a connection with the internet due to the many features it holds and the many features it can still do. 

However, the quote shows how clear research that has been collected, has had an effect on many individuals lives and this can go for other segments of the media as well such as, T.V or even watches. Overall, the article agrees with the Telegraphs statement as it provides real evidence of peoples thoughts upon the power of the internet and of its importance on their day-to-day life. If I didn't have access to this I would struggle to communicate. I think that the younger generation would be more glued to the Internet as they use it more socially and for entertainment purposes e.g gaming consoles online. I would say it would effect the learning abilities for younger people. Overall I agree to the telegram theory. 

Monday, 9 November 2015

Audience theory

The hypodermic needle is a theory in which people believe that aspects of media is used to help generate emotions and influence behaviours to the consumer/viewer in a negative way (can lead to dangerous actions or activities). One way in which that the article links with the hypodermic needle is because the psychological members of the study firmly believe that video games (part of the media) influences peoples/gamers (especially the youth) to become aggressive. This is apparent in the line, "In the same way, repeated exposure to violent video games may have a cumulative effect on aggression". This quote conveys the fact that Professor Bushman believes that exposure to excessive violent games will increase levels of aggression than compared to the level before interaction with violent games. The powerful word 'repeated' illustrates the consistency that playing violent video games will lead to negative influences on the players social life. As a result, the information and beliefs of the data collectors believe that the media controls ones mind and can lead to them becoming out of control which can result in negative events or actions upon other peoples lives. Secondly, the article link in with the hypodermic needle because the researchers believe that the media is controlling the person consuming it. In this context, they believe whoever play violent video games for long period of time (per week) are more likely to show signs of increase aggression. This is apparent in the line, "After playing a violent video game, we found that people expect others to behave aggressively". This quote reveals peoples end result to how the media effects us individuals and how we behave after consuming the media (in this case; video games). The use of a powerful word 'expect' suggests that the media that the individual consumes would also change their mind set into thinking differently. As a result, the article is an example of how people treat the media as an example of the hypodermic model. 

The front page of the 'Daily Mail' links with the hypodermic model as it portrays the media to have a negative influence upon consumers and is seen to be ultimately the main blame for the incident taking place. One way in which the article links with the hypodermic needle is because it portrays the media to be the main cause of the incident. This is apparent in the line, " violent video game addict who rarely leaves his room". This quote (from the front page) clearly shows how the use of video games is the main cause of this incident from taking place. The reason why this article links with the hypodermic needle is because the writers of this article believe that the media has influenced this person into committing a dangerous attack on a phone company. The use of a powerful word 'addict' shows the amount of time someone spend consuming the media, the more likely they are to use that information in reality. As a result, the hypodermic model is expressed through-out the front page of this article as it shows how the media manipulated individuals into committing crimes and dangerous behaviour.

The Two-Step Flow Model

1) The 'Two Step Flow Model' suggested that the acts and behaviours of the audience were influenced more by 'opinion leaders' in the media, who mediate how the audience react to media texts. Overall, I think that the Two Step Flow Model is used quite a lot in today's society. This is because people follow popular peoples opinions and are most likely to change their opinions according to that opinion leader. People such as 'David Cameron' who talks about the government would most likely try to deliver information about his opinions on the government, and by him being an important figure in the debate, people who support him are more likely to listen or follow his thoughts which is an example of the Two Step Flow Model. TotalBiscuit fits in with the Two-Step Flow Model because he reviews different types of games and gives his own opinions on them. He has 2 million subscribers which mean that there are 2 million people around the word who view his content and most likely to agree with his point/opinions. This makes TotalBiscuit an opinion leader as there are many people who follow hi thoughts and opinions throughout his channel. Moreover, there is a feature on YouTube where viewer can 'like' YouTubers content, and TotalBiscuit has thousands of like per video which indicate that there are a lot of his followers who agree on his thoughts and value them. 

3) One reason why the the Telegraph article fits the Two-Step Flow Model is because it shows a range of different type of 'celebrities' or well-known people in society who are the most influential whether its on social media or on TV. The reason why its considered to link with the Two-Step Flow Chart is because these people have many fans who value their opinions and judgement. Many fans are likely to listen to the people they value most e.g celebrities. The post by the Telegraph shows statistics about Twitter. This is a social media which allows the public to actively be engaged in their role-models lives. People such as, Ed Sheeran who tweets stories about certain articles will have an effect on the followers. This is because social media such as, twitter is used/accessed by many people and people who follow celebrities (in this case) Ed Sheeran are more likely to read media text differently and not be manipulated by it like the hypodermic needle suggests. One reason why Jamal Edwards fits in with the Two-Step Flow Model is because he is an inspiration to a wide audience. He produces a variety of clips and videos on YouTube to entertain an audience and he has a big influence upon them. Jamal is seen as an opinion leader as he wants his content to reveal stories and a meaning which can act like information being drawn into the consumers mind because they agree with what's been shared. Moreover, Jamal has come from  a tough background and had gone a long way into his career which acts as if he's a role model as people look up to him. His business (known as SBTV) produces music videos for all of the world to hear. Jamal considered his content to be knowledgeable and also something for the public to relate to. This can change people perception on media text however, in a good way. A s a result, Jamal shares knowledge and information with his audience and can influence his audience to react to media text, like the Two-Step Flow Model shows.  

Friday, 6 November 2015

Media awards


I think the best year 12 productions was Labrat as they had a strong cinematic feel to it by using a lot of extreme close ups and dialogue voice over the thing i did not like about the video was the audio as the voiceover wasn't clear at some parts of the film. they edited it well using a lot of distortion effects on the main title and the music in the background also matched the ideas.

The experiment was also good as it had a really futuristic theme at the beginning bit the second part of the clip (the chase) wasn't that good i think they could have shot it in a different location as it didn't meet the futuristic theme but overall it was good.

What makes a good Practical Production?
A good practical production consists of a team working together to create something unique and fun to watch for the audience. The story should be prepared in advance so that when filming begins, it is easier to manage everything and overall the film is better as there is no need to make anything up. A structured plan is always better when making a film as everything works. In general a good story with a conclusion that has good audio and visuals is all that is needed to make a film.

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Young and Rubicam

Im a explorer and a aspirer this makes sense as i love to explore and gather ideas in which i can use as a motivational tool to lift me and develop new improved performances in my career.


Psychographics powerpoint link:

WWW - Well prepared slides 
             Key words - art house, broadsheet
             Lacoste advert (aspirers)

EBI - Images
         Profiler not identifiable