-Smoke the weed snoop lion
i decided to choose this video for my summer research project as it shows the representations of drugs in which i am
Thursday, 7 July 2016
Monday, 9 May 2016
section B LR
LR: use more theory in each question
Print: The links in with the auteur theory where the director is being presented as an author who's name is used to attract a wider audience. Spectre' contract with Transport For London for dedicating a few London buses to promote the film links in with one of Dyer lines of appeal. The distributors want to be seen as elite people who have a lot of money to spend on promotion. This is because not many films use this method to try and attract an audience, but this may be because Spectre is from a British TV show and its core audience is British people.
Broadcast: The TEDX lecture that Ben Drew had attended was a way for him to attract a new audience and make them gain some interest in his film. The audience generally in a TEDX lecture would be reformers who seek change about society. This matches with Ben's ideological thinking on society. Ben thinks that the current conservative government is casting out the youth in society and he believes that this is wrong and should be changed. By expressing his opinions and thought in a TEDX lecture, those who are part of the audience may agree with his opinions as they too seek change in society and government. As a result, Ben would have potentially of gained a new audience for his film Ill Manors as the audience may want to see a film that serves the same purpose as them. Spectre's use of the classic trailers helped deliver to its mainstream audience. This is because Spectre is part of a big franchise; the 007 franchise. As a result, the core audience who love this type of movie like to see the same thing again and do not like to change from that. This is what makes the franchise very successful, it is always true to the original screen adaptations. And by presenting it is a mainstream fashion, it further increases the reputation of the franchise. 007 audiences like to see the same thing over and over again and by presenting it in a common and normal way, it further stays true to its mainstream audience.
E-media: A Field In England using the e-media to help promote the DVD release of the film was an attempt to gain last minute revenue. This could work as those who loved the film and want to see it again, can do so by purchasing the DVD version of the film. The DVD was spotted on Amazon etc which allowed for audiences to purchase a copy of the DVD film.There was great amount of synergy seen throughout the webpage of Spectre. It had a store where all the 007 merchandise can be found via a store on the webpage. This is a form of product placement where the website is promoting other things rather than just the film itself. In this case, it is products that are linked with the brand instead of the film. This can also be seen as a form of synergy as it is cross promoting the perfume industry as well as the clothing industry as well.
Thursday, 5 May 2016
mock exam LR
1. WWW - Q1 good detail used
EBI - You need to cover more, especially the Section A question 3.
My strongest was Section A on the first question as I've included good content that'd get me good marks, however I could have included more theory in it.
My weakest question would have been question 2. Instead of talking about the male gaze for Megan Fox's portrayal in the clip, I talked about the female gaze. Meaning, I didn't use the correct theory to match with the evidence I was giving. I was meant to talk about the male gaze which is from the males perception.
One way in which the trailer attempts to appeal to a male audience is through Megan Fox's appearance. This is because females are not usually presented in FPS games and it will certainly grab the attention of the viewer if she appears in it. Megan Fox is a sexually appealing woman in the eyes of many males as she is a model and actress, which means she can gain the attention of many males who view this trailer. This links in with the male gaze, where the men do the looking (the viewers as well as the on-screen characters) and focus more on the female. This is a way to attract males into watching this trailer as they would not normally associate females with Call of Duty games.
Another way in which the trailer attempts to appeal to a male audience is through the level of action shown in this clip. This is because the action genre appeals to a male dominant audience as they enjoy this type of visual element. When they see some sort of action and violence they are here to stay a bit longer as they are engaged with the action occurring on screen. This fits in with the female gaze as it is the men that are being looked at by the potential female viewers (as this is the first Call of Duty game to feature female characters and may have some form of interest) as they are represented as masculine and as protectors- they are very patriotic.
Finally, one way in which the trailer attempts to appeal to a male audience is through the tag line. This is apparent towards the end of the clip where all 4 characters are walking and the tag line saying 'There's a soldier in all of us'.This tag line can really have an impact on the male viewers as it fits directly with their masculinity. Men see themselves as patriotic and are proud of their masculine figure etc. The tag line is used to reinforce and remind the male viewer of their position as men and acts as a way to re-define their current status.
Another way in which the trailer attempts to appeal to a male audience is through the level of action shown in this clip. This is because the action genre appeals to a male dominant audience as they enjoy this type of visual element. When they see some sort of action and violence they are here to stay a bit longer as they are engaged with the action occurring on screen. This fits in with the female gaze as it is the men that are being looked at by the potential female viewers (as this is the first Call of Duty game to feature female characters and may have some form of interest) as they are represented as masculine and as protectors- they are very patriotic.
Finally, one way in which the trailer attempts to appeal to a male audience is through the tag line. This is apparent towards the end of the clip where all 4 characters are walking and the tag line saying 'There's a soldier in all of us'.This tag line can really have an impact on the male viewers as it fits directly with their masculinity. Men see themselves as patriotic and are proud of their masculine figure etc. The tag line is used to reinforce and remind the male viewer of their position as men and acts as a way to re-define their current status.
One is with the group of 4 friends who go to Las Vegas to have a good time and enjoy themselves. This links to the film The Hangover where a group of male friends go to Las Vegas to have a good time. This is highlighted as we see the Las Vegas sign after the car passes then the group of males coming out of the car. This is a strong link with the game and film as they both say that Las Vegas is the place to go to have fun and enjoy yourself with your friends.
The trailer also associates Infinity wards and Activision as two businesses who help promote action films. When people see these businesses they will automatically associate IR with the call of duty franchises or those who know about the call of duty franchises but want to play games that are similar to this, will go and search the other games that they sell. This will help promote Activision and infinity wards as call of duty being one of their successful games people will go and buy other games that they produce to live up to the standard of call of duty.
I talked about all three platforms for each of the films that I talked about. There were also examples given to show knowledge of what was being said. In order to gain access to the top level for section b I needed to use the key words for the question and always link back to it. There wasn't enough information linking back to what the question was asking. I needed to talk about how all of the platforms can be accessed on your phone which is how media devices contain everything from all platforms which is linking it back to what the question was asking.
Monday, 2 May 2016
LR section B
LR: go in more detail and mention at least 2 or more theories in each paragraph.
The one theory that can be applied to this poster is Hooks theory. It is that women who are lighter skinned appeal more in the desirable and fit in the western society. This is seen in the poster as there are women who are seen to be revealing as they are on a beach and are of a lighter skin colour. This can also be linked to the male gaze which is Burgers theory that men look and women appear. This is seen as they are on a beach surrounded by women and they are the only men that can be seen this reinforces this stereotype that men are usually the ones who look and women always appear and dress up for men.
Paragraph two- Broadcast platform
The broadcast platform offer a lot of moving and digital footage which is what the print platform doesn't have. The broadcast platform can deliver more information and engage more than compared to a print product as there isn't a lot of user interactivity. Ill Manors used a range of different types of trailer which focus of completely different things. The Ill Manors main promotional trailer focused a lot of the characters as well as the lifestyle of the youth. There were a couple of scenes where the youth were beating each other up or doing violent acts. However, there was a few scene of prostitution. These scenes don't play a major role in the films narrative and thus is used to attract the viewer even more. This film is a 18 certificate meaning that there will be sexual related scene within this movie, and these scenes are to attract the audiences attention. This links nicely with the female gaze ans the majority of the sexual scene were of women. The trailer is portray females as sexual desirable people and this is seen through their body posture as they lean in to the window of a males car. The film seems to follow the stereotype of young women being prostitutes and is apparent in this trailer through the female gaze. In Spectre broadcast platform, we see the character James Bond doing a range of dangerous and being active throughout this trailer. This is an example of the male gaze. James Bond franchise is known to follow this theory as the character often needs to be portrayed as dominant and attractive to the female audiences. He is seen time to time doing life risky things which is to further engage the female audience as they want to see more of his actions.
Paragraph three- E-media platform
Ill Manors had a website (now been removed) that was dedicated to all things related to the film. The first visual thing to grab the users attention was the banner. The banner consisted on the main character involved in the Ill Manors film narrative. However, the portrayal of these character were very grime and dark. They seem to give off this criminal like feel due to the tone and the colour scheme of the banner. This links in to the representations of the youth culture. We see a man sitting on the group smoking and this image can generate certain representations which today's society believe to be true. One of which is that the youth cannot look after themselves and turn to criminals a way of entertainment which is evident through the banner portrayal of the characters.
Furthermore, Spectre has a website that looks and feels more professional than the other films (Ill Manors and A Field in England) as it is a long running film franchise, Therefore, it is likely to learn from its past mistakes and perfect its portrayal through all three media platforms including e-media. The website has a lot of synergy present on it. It has a shop section where it sells 007 perfume bottles. This is cross promoting the clothing industry as well as boosting the brands portrayal to audiences. As this is a link on e-media, users can search up the advertisement for the perfume and these can say certain things about the brand itself. According to Dyers 13 lines of appeal, the Spectre 007 brand sees itself as luxury and prestige through the range of products it sells in relation to the film itself, for example the perfume line.
Synergy essay
One convention that is seen in this music video that is typical of other music videos seen in the past is the use of a storyline through both the words as well as footage. This is apparent when the artist (known as Plan B) focuses the majority of this song on the London riots in 2011. In addition, the music video also shows youngsters dressed as criminals doing violent action in society which is a clear indication to the London riots. This is because the majority of 'typical' music videos often portray a certain storyline. These story lines can be either contrapuntal (clips do not match the song) to the music or parallel (make sense with the music. This song made by Plan B delivers a clear message in his music videos which acts as the story-line/narrative of the music video. For example, Plan B says the following, " ...council kids scum..." suggests that the narrative behind this video is societies perception of the youth and ow they effect peoples lives, including the government. There is a key binary opposition seen in this music video, which is 'the government vs the youth'. This binary opposition plays a key part in the narrative of this music video and delivers a powerful message to the consumer to keep them engaged,
Another key convention that is seen in this music video is having Plan B in the actual music video. Although, the majority of today's music videos contain the artist, it is still a convention seen in 'typical music videos'. Plan B is the main person to be seen in the music video a lot where he sings the words to the song as well. By having the artist play in the music video does act as a way to attract the audience even more as they are eager to know how they are singing (compared to their last music video) and how they look etc. In today's society, music video's are gradually beginning to have less screen time of the artist and have the majority of the music video focus on actors who are telling the story through the words that the artist are saying. This form of change in the music videos hasn't happened a lot, but is seen to be widely accepted by the audience and therefore, can likely be a significant change to music videos as a whole.
Finally, another key convention seen in this music video is the build up of a symbolic event. This is apparent through out the music video when Plan B develops his narrative as well as the footage developing the symbolic meaning. Both of these help to build a symbolic meaning which is the power of the youth. The youth is seen tearing up the streets of London showing their power and dominance over the government. It is this symbol and meaning that the music video is developing; to try and get a message across to as many people as possible. In addition, there is synergy in this music video. Plan B has recently made a film (at the time of filming this music video) which is called "Ill Manors". Synergy is cross promotion between two (or more) media forms for example in this music video, it is promoting the film Ill Manors. The music video contains 'cameos (people who do not effect the narrative but are famous people that are in a clip for a small amount of time e.g. Stan Lee in Marvel movies)'. This music video has cameos of the actors from the film Ill Manors and this acts as a way for Plan B to promote his upcoming film by introducing some of the actors gin his music video.
2) Media Representations
One way in which this music video represents London Rioters is in a cruel and unfair way. This is apparent in the music video, where children are dressed up as hoodlings and cover their face with a bandanna to cover their identity. These connotations and props used within the music video all point at a negative view point of the London Rioters. Furthermore, the portrayal of the youth in this clip accentuates the fact that youngsters are lay breakers and are out of control as they are seen destroying public properties as well as vehicles. Medhurts theory come into this, the ideology of the police force and youth. The police are represented as dominant and that they are going to resolve the situation, whereas the youngsters are represented as the dangerous and disobedient ones that need to be stopped. In addition, Richard Dyers stereotyping and power is also represented in this music video. Constantly seen in this music videos, references to actual news papers. This supports Dyers theory as it is seen that those in 'power' are stereotyping those who have less power. In this case it is the government who are portraying the youth in such a way, and it is the youth being portrayed like that due to them having less power.
In addition, another way in which this music video represents London Rioters is in a heroic way. This is apparent in the video, where there a a hoodling helping out an old lady cross the road. This is because the video is trying to show society what the youth are 'actually' like and that the media's perception on them is incorrect (as well as the governments). Furthermore, the proffered reading of this music video is that the London Rioters are causing nothing but harm to people's lives and society. However, an alternative perception is (from a youngsters perspective) that the rioters are giving them a voice. The rioters are trying to get all of England's youth to be heard and are acting in such a way to benefit all of them. In a way, the rioters are presented as the heroes (in the alternative way) and the police are presented as the villains who do not want their voice to be heard.
3) Media Audiences
One way audience pleasure that the music video offers is the use of education and informative data. This is apparent, where the music videos shows establishing shots of London and the poor areas of it and what the people nearby do in those areas. This is because this video is posted on YouTube and shared around many social media sites and therefore, it is likely that this video will be in the hands of many viewers around the world. As a result, information about the streets of London during the time can be of use to many people. These events that take place within the music video can have an effect of viewers as they can learn a lot from the life of youngsters in the streets of London as well as the perception of the government. The use of the two-step flow model is shown in this music video as the actual singer (Plan B) is trying to convey his perception of the London Riots in his music video in order to change the mind set of his fans.
Another way audience pleasure that the music video offers is the use of hypocrisy. It is evident in this music video, where there is a contrapuntal tone within this entire music video. On one hand Plan B is talking about the politicians being the cruel ones, however the music video clips themselves is going against that as everyone is seen to be doing bad things. This level of hypocrisy may not be the intention but is still giving out this meaning of the youth being out of control rather than the 'good' people. Furthermore, this can generate societies mind to keep thinking that the youth are to blame for societies current issues as this music video shows how they are rebellious to everyone and that they can cause harm. The hypodermic needle can also be implied with this music video. This is because society have been forced to consume this type of representation on the youth and believe that it is correct rather than countering this argument.
Finally, one way audience pleasure that the music video offers is the use of poverty tourism. This is apparent in this music video, where there is a large group of young kids on the streets and stealing expensive things. These actions all reveal that there is a sense of poverty in this music video in the streets of London. This can attract a large amount of people who are interested in those who are in poverty and this music video acts as a way to promote this. People can gain an interpretation of London and how people are being treated in less known streets such as the one in this music video. Perkins theory can be supported, as we see youngsters stealing things (such as a TV) it is evident that although they are in poverty they are youngsters who dress in a way that threatens people and so it can be a true stereotype to them.
4) Media Institutions
One way in which the music video helped promote the film Ill Manors was the use of having cameos. Cameos are famous actors who make an appearance in a film or footage for a small amount of time and acts as a surprising moment to the audience. This is evident in this music video as we see many times, actors from the actual film seen within this music video. This acts a cross promotion also known as synergy between both the movie and the music video. The music video tries to promote the movie by having its main stars present during this music video which will act as a way to encourage fans to watch the film Ill Manors. An example of a cameo is Stan Lee, who appears in many Marvel films (that are linked to the MCU). Furthermore, both the film and music video both share a similar sense of tone. The tone seen in Ill Manors as well as this music video is very much similar which acts as a form of promotion as well as it gives the audience a better understanding and feel of the film if they would want to go and watch it.
Another way in which the music video helped promote the film is the setting and theme that the music video was based on. The music video is set during the London Riots (before the Olympics) and the film (Ill Manors) is set in the same time period as the song. This is apparent in the music video, where we (the audience) can clearly see the rioters destroying the streets of London with flame bottles and using weaponry for defence. Similarly, in the Ill Manors movie trailer, we see many shots of the setting of where the majority of this film will be taking place and it seemed to be near the Olympic stadium. This acts as a form of promotion for the film as it allows the fans of the music video to get a better insight into what the theme of the movie is going to be like (before even watching it). Theme is one of the most important factors to an audience and if it is done right, it can make the promotion very successful similarly, to this cross promotion.
Finally, one other way in which the music video helped promote the film Ill Manors was having their music exclusive to the movie. This is apparent in the Ill Manors trailer, where (towards the end) the new soundtrack from Plan B is played until the title sequence appears. This is another way in which the music video acts acts a promotion for the movie as Plan B has exclusive soundtracks along with this film which is obviously used to attract his fans in to watching the movie (not just for the new soundtrack). Furthermore, the trailer seems to promoting the music video as well as fans who are familiar with Plan B and come across this trailer will suddenly realise that he has launched a new song without even hearing it in the first place.
Monday, 18 April 2016
Exam question
Many Codes and conventions are used to promote media products and this is evident in Ben Drew's Ill Manors. The film is targeted at the youth demographic and is consumed across the three media platforms; print, e-media and broadcast and synergy is created throughout all three platforms. However, the target audience is not fixed to the film as different media products appeal to a wider and perhaps unconventional audience. Within the print platform, the film Ill Manors has been promoted through a variety of different magazines and newspapers. Ben Drew appeared on the cover of NME magazine, which was initially produced as a rock magazine. Ben Drew, Ill Manor's film director, captures and embodies the stereotypical rapper with an attitude as he is seen with his middle finger up and a cigarette in his mouth, revealing a rather derogatory image. The target audience of the magazine itself would be youths and young adults, therefore this gesture and the attitude would appeal to the young and reckless demographic and the psychographic group of the explorers. This reinforces the negative representation of young people and also creates 'moral panics' as the tag line 'David Cameron... be very afraid' is highlighted across the cover. This reinforces the stereotypes that are fixed to young people and also creates this idea of 'moral panics' as Plan B appears as a threat to society. This as a whole would appeal to the similar working class target audience as the NME magazine is also free, therefore the similar target audience are able to understand more about the film. This is a conventional technique used in order to promote a film to the correct target audience and the fact that it is made entirely explicit that Ben Drew (Plan B) directed the film shows that he is part of the USP of the film. This is a convention which is used to promote a film positively as seen with A Field In England, a 2013 British psychological thriller, as within the print posters, the director Ben Wheatley is seen as the auter of the film and almost promotes the film through him being a successful and experienced director. Both films use their USP to their advantage, which helps the correct target audience to consume their media products.
In addition, Plan B appears on the cover of Men's Health magazine, however we can explicitly tell from the magazine itself that the target audience would be different. The article not only entertains the reader but also informs them about Plan B's lifestyle and in terms of Blumler and Katz's uses and gratifications theory, Men's health's main aim would be surveillance as the magazine provides the reader with information about dieting. This would portray Ben Drew in a different presentation than within a magazine such as NME. The cover makes Plan B appear in a rather suave and sophisticated way, holding a dominant demeanour as a 'man' rather than a reckless boy. Men's Health holds strong ideologies towards health, lifestyle and fitness, therefore Plan B would not be promoting his film as such but more his lifestyle. The target audience for the magazine would axiomatically be males, most likely the young adult demographic as they would be interested in their image more so than the elder more mature male and therefore the psychographic group of aspirers would be the predominant readership as they are orientated around image and appearance. The fact that Ben Drew talks about his weight loss and his lifestyle would broaden his audience as he is able to promote both his diet but also his film through the talk of his lifestyle as an upcoming director. This would help to create exposure for his media products and also gather a wider audience to consume his media products; an audience that would not necessarily be aware of Plan B as a rapper or director.
As already mentioned, A Field In England uses similar codes and conventions to appeal to the core target audience of the middle-class ABC1 demohraphic. This target audience is quite different from the Ill Manors' due to the historical content involved within the film. The film poster embodies 17th century England, through the use of the silhouette and the almost sepia looking, washed out colour. The colour of the poster is extremely important with identifying the genre of the film and appealing to the correct target audience. Through this old, traditional worn out colour, an audience would make the assumption that the film is a historical drama. With The King's Speech, the colour of the poster is again very similar as the orange, yellow background connotes the authenticity of the film as the colour looks almost worn out and different. However, it also connotes passion and fire, which signifies the King's determination to speak fluently. Simply from the background colour of a film poster, the audience are able to understand more about the film. This is used as a shorthand to understanding the narrative and therefore is closely interlocked with Dyer's theory of stereotypes being shorthand. The iconography of the microphone is also used to signify the genre of this film and the fact that it is a period movie, due to the authenticity of the microphone. This iconography is evident within the Ill Manors film poster too as Riz Ahmed, the main protagonist, holds a gun, which captures the genre of the film as an urban social realistic film. The use of film poster conventions help the audience to understand the genre of the film as the construction of these film posters help to emphasise the genres.
Throughout the broadcast platform, Plan B stays true to his own ideologies and values as he appears as adopts the same personality even when the audience is different to his conventional 'fans.' The TEDx lecture that Plan B appears in has an audience that is on the opposite end of the spectrum when compared to the audience that would be viewing his film. The TEDx audience would be middle-class, ABC1 demographic and most fitting in the psychographic group of succeeders. This audience would not conventionally watch the film and therefore creates exposure to a new audeince and therefore understand Plan B's strong moral values and political beliefs. It also creates synergy through this platform as the director of the film is able to promote his soundtrack and he is able to construct the way he speaks to promote himself as a brand too. This would help the audience understand Plan B as a brand and this would cross-promote himself and his film. Although his audience are middle class and perhaps rather conservative, Plan B himself is still informal and his dialect is colloquial, revealing how he holds strong ideologies for being true to himself. This in itself helps to promote his media products through the use of him as a loyal brand. Also, he appears on SBTV, who's core target audience is very similar to the audience Plan B knows. The youth, young adult, working class demographic would be the predominant viewers of SBTV and therefore may already know who Plan B is and therefore promotes his film through himself once again. Due to Plan B's background of being a rapper and being a political rapper, more specifically, it already gains a fan base for him, therefore creates exposure through his soundtrack, which creates synergy and therefore widens the audience that consumes his media products.
The final way that the film was promoted was through interviews, this can be seen on YouTube which is a cross promotion with social media and other websites. This is a good method as people can see the characters and grow more attached to them. This is effective as they will be more inclined to watch the film and after watching the series the film was promoted on E4 and so were the interviews on E4. This is synergy between the TV series and the film itself. The series would help promote the film as people who enjoyed the series would find the film more appealing and the interviews also account for the promotion of the film. In conclusion the best platform to promote a film would be on e media which is the most effective way as you can target a wider audience through a short amount of time where as everyone else would be less likely to use any other platform such as print.
Thursday, 31 March 2016
March PPE Learner Response
1) Feedback:
www: question 3 got me the most marks as i am good at identifying media narrative features in a film so i found this question the easiest out of the four.
ebi: question 1 needed more detail and understanding
The brand hold ideologies which 'inspire change,' therefore the whole idea of people with disabilities can essentially 'inspire change' as they want to lead a normal life and they can. The use of the positive representation reveals Channel 4 as a positive channel that promotes inclusivity. Due to the channel being a public service broadcaster, we would expect it to reflect society and humanity in the correct and realistic way, similar to BBC. Audiences want to see themselves on TV and feel good about being within their society, therefore by focusing on the paralympics and providing them with coverage, it promotes Channel 4's brand image as one of diversity, unity and friendship. This would therefore link to the idea of the uses and gratifications theory as an audience would connect with the people and therefore personal relationships would be formed.In the media, there are a number of things that are within society but left out of the media. Disabled people are seen as invisible on screen and as a marginalised target. Channel 4's motive to 'inspire change' shows difference and a message that can ultimately influence others and young people too. The use of the attitude and aggression presented through the characters and the music choice, would particularly interest a young audience as there is hip hop music in the background.
Extra points
The shock values are reoccurring frequently thought out the Paralympic trailer, the fact that the lady who has a disability in her limb and is still being portrayed as a hard working individual triggers the audience to understand people with special needs properly and in more depth ,this is because the audience will realise there is no difference between them and anyone else, this also engages the audience and enhances Channel fours brand image.the fact that the trailer portrays inclusive attracts and because more appealing to a wider range of audience, the fact that they are not excluding any groups and are focusing and targeting a minority appeal makes Channel four seem very liberal and connects people together in a positive way, overlooking their differences and empowering each other in this way
Monday, 14 March 2016
The Basics:
1) Details about the film-
Name= James Bong Spectre
Director= Sam Mendes
Stars (notable)=
- Daniel Craig
- Christopher Waltz
- Ralph Fiennes
- Monica Bellucci
- Naomi Harris
Type of film= Franchise (The James Bond Series)
Location= England
2) When was it released-
Release of film= 26 October 2016
3) Genre of film and generic conventions-
Genre= Action, Adventure and Thriller
Generic conventions=
- Use of weaponry
- Agent style film
- Location is at MI5 (special ops team)
- Explosions visible from trailer
- Tone is dark and gritty
- Use of location destruction
- Fight sequences present during the trailer
4) Critical Reception-
Rating on IMDB= 6.9/10
Rating on Rotten Tomatoes= 64%
1) MIGRAIN analysis of film:
Media language
Spectre had a budget of $245,000,000 which is known as a big budget film. The money used to fund this from came largely from, Sony Pictures who gave the majority of its money towards the films project. In Hollywood, this budget is roughly a normal and healthy budget for any film that is made in Hollywood. There were many different types of institutions involved in the making of this film that are well known for example, Columbia Pictures who helped to distribute the film. Columbia Pictures were involved in the film appeal to larger audiences such as, portrayal through poster, advertisements or even social media management.
The genre of the film is solely based off of an action genre. This is evident through out the trailer even. The first few second into the trailer is about 007 targeting a man in a building, soon after blowing it up. These are clear connotations towards an action related genre.
The film is represented in a professional way but the represent the male to be the stronger gender as the main protagonist is a male.
1) The last three reviews a unexciting action movie
2) Examples of print promotion:

This simplistic design is enough to promote the film as its symbolises action. an example for this is the iconography the gun that is across his face suggest that this protagonist is the main character.
3) The Print is professionally represented as it has signs of iconography and not much text. this helps the audience interpret ate what the poster is trying to symbolise e.g action. as many people are aware of the James bond franchise they can identify the print by the "007" text bellow.
The idea of the main protagonist looking directly at the audience makes him look powerful and the gun that cuts half his face shows that he is also dangerous meaning capable of doing many things.
4) The film brand is professionally established as it also promotes the James bond perfume in which is really popular in retail stores around London and also the world. The brand image is strong as its repetitive in all James bond films which increases the popularity.
The film is represented in a professional way but the represent the male to be the stronger gender as the main protagonist is a male.
People who view this trailer will automatically perceive England as a powerful country. This is present in the character of 007 and the actions/things he does in this trailer. It seems to show the power of the country through the protagonist and to create a virtual image of Britain. The message that audiences would see would be 'Britain has many more agents like this...'. The message is trying to make people ideological thinking change by creating a virtual version in their mind.
Another ideology present in this trailer is that Britain if full of rich assets as well as rich/upper class people. This is apparent where most of the scenes take place in mansions or in high end apartments as well as people wearing luxurious clothing. These conventions are all used to portray this picture of a 'rich Britain' as all characters seen in this trailer are wearing expensive looking clothes as well as owning expensive assets. This shows audiences how rich Britain is as well as, how historical it can be as famous landmarks too are shown in this trailer to show the historical theme and context in the film.
The narrative that audiences can pick up from the trailer is, a young male MI5 agent comes across an important piece of data that triggers a mission he must proceed with. It is a man of his past that is the villain and he doesn't know what is in store for him once he embarks on this journey.
Often, trailers use a variety of shots from the chronology placement of the entire film, but place little segments in the trailer to make the story flow and come across to the audience.
1) The last three reviews a unexciting action movie
- A fairly muddled entry into the Bond canon.
- Most of the film plays like a game of Connect Four, piling up and grouping together characters and schemes from Craig's last three films in vaguely related ways, in the hopes that the connections to Bond's past will bring them some emotional heft.
- A film that takes from the classic bond movies but lacks a fundamental element for it to work: a time period.
This simplistic design is enough to promote the film as its symbolises action. an example for this is the iconography the gun that is across his face suggest that this protagonist is the main character.
3) The Print is professionally represented as it has signs of iconography and not much text. this helps the audience interpret ate what the poster is trying to symbolise e.g action. as many people are aware of the James bond franchise they can identify the print by the "007" text bellow.
The idea of the main protagonist looking directly at the audience makes him look powerful and the gun that cuts half his face shows that he is also dangerous meaning capable of doing many things.
4) The film brand is professionally established as it also promotes the James bond perfume in which is really popular in retail stores around London and also the world. The brand image is strong as its repetitive in all James bond films which increases the popularity.
E- Media:
1) Films presence on social media-
The Spectre Facebook is still active even though it is 6 months past the release of the film. They tend to post screengrabs from the official film to still keep the fans interactive about the film and not forgetting it. There have been a fair amount of likes on both the page itself as well as on each post they do. They have over 1,000,000 likes for the page and usually get under 5,000 likes per post. The like count shows how they are still promoting the film as it shows the number of people who are interested in the film still after its release..
In addition, the screengrab above show one of many ways the film page has tried to promote the film. The post shown above shows the awards that the film has currently received and this form of post acts as a big way to persuade people to watch the film. Those who have liked the page (which is under 1 million) will likely see this post and therefore, may want to see it due to its success for receiving a highly reputable and well known award. The post acts as a way to remind people of how popular and great the film is and that if it receives an award like this, there is no reason why people shouldn't go and see it; this is the message that the post is trying to give out.
This is an example of promotion for the film on the films Twitter age. Although the screengrab above isn't of the actual page posting the tweet, but the ability to re-tweet the tweet makes it seem like a form of promotion as the film wants its twitter fans to see this post as well as those who haven't seen the movie. By the films twitter page re-tweeting this post, it is as if they are trying to promote the film using other and actual fans words to do that. This is because if someone sees this post, they are more likely to watch the film after seeing a 'fan' or another person share their opinion for it. Furthermore, by re-tweeting the post, they are trying to get the message to a even wider audience so that their fan base can see the post as well as other Twitter users who haven't yet seen the movie.
Here is an instagram post from the James Bond instagram page. This is another form of promotion for the film. In this post, the film is trying to make fans interact with them with a chance of winning the prize. The prize is to go and see the official Aston Martin from the actual film Spectre. This is a form of promotion as it has been 6 months since the film has been released and people will stop 'hyping' and getting excited for it and therefore forgetting about it. However, this post is used to gain those audiences back and make them still remember the film by giving them the chance to win a prize. By posting this, they are making their fans and users interact with them and acts a a way of promoting the film.
2) Analysis of official website-
The films website is very neat and portrays itself well. This means that it presents itself to the audience of being a big-budget and famous known film. Like most film websites, the protagonist is clearly seen on the first page which is typical for film websites. In addition to this, the banner is updated to the new title of the film known as 'Spectre' and this too is typical of many other film websites. The website seems to draw attention more to the characters of the film more than the production. There is a synopsis of the movie which instantly acts as a way to draw the viewers attention into making the decision if they like or dislike the film.
The theme of the film runs through each link. The website contains mini games to do with spies as well as making the film seem real through the link, Q's workshop which is a way for uses to interact with the films site and content.
There are many forms of synergy seen on the website for Spectre. One of which is the cross promotion of the Aston Martin vehicle which was used for the film. The webpage dedicates an entire page of all the vehicles used to make the movie and this acts as a form of synergy as it is promoting the car as well as the car promoting the film. When people see the exact car, they will refer to the film as it was first sighted there. Furthermore, there is a cross promotion with the music industry as there is a dedicate song for promoting the film. The song as made by Sam Smith who made a song promoting the film. Those who are fans of the film and hear its main theme (done by Sam), then the film is promoting the singer in a way.
3) Any type of e-media based campaign-
There was no form of e-media campaign that was major big compared to the Ill Manors tag London campaign. There was one which I have noticed on Twitter, where the page posted a tweet telling users to wear a suit for the opening weekend of the films release. However, this campaign didn't go as viral as compared to other campaigns which could be the reason for people not knowing of its presence.
4) Examples of the two-step theory online-
There have been posts largely on Twitter where famous celebrates have posted their love for the film Spectre and how the actor had done a fantastic job again. Those who follow these fans but are not aware of this film, once they see this post they are more likely to listen to them and therefore believe that the film is good without even watching it. Another example is on IMDB where there are many famous and reputable critic which most of the public rely on before watching the film- to know if the film is worth it. This is another example of the two step flow model as people will ultimately take in the opinion and judgement of another person and will take it into consideration without even making up their own mind. Reviews and critics for a film come from the opinion of the critic and the review is based off of their experience for the film. However, those who really consider these people's opinion would be influenced through opinion leaders rather than the media itself.
1) Target audience for the film-
The film has a 12A certificate which has been judged by the BBFC. This doesn't necessarily mean that the film makers intended their film to reach that audience, it is just what category (or the amount of points) the film has received according to their criteria. If the intended audience was to be 12 and over then, they would be from a middle and higher class background due to the style and theme of the film being about a rich white male who does dangerous things for his country. The film seems to follow a more mainstream story which best targets this class range. In addition, the film would be 50/50 gender split as these films don't always focus around the male character. This franchise is well known for having a Bond girl rather just having a male Bond character. People want to (or feel eager) to know who the new Bond girl is as they tend to change through out each film.
Pyschographics, would generally be aspirer and mainstreamer as they all want a source of escapism from their daily lives. The film involve violence and dangerous missions which is what people don't often see in their daily lives, therefore the film is for escapism purposes. In addition, the story of a man seeking revenge for the death of his family is a very similar story line in films and therefore, it is for a mainstream audience as it is similar to other content.
2) How does synergy target the audience-
There are two examples of cross media platforms linked with this film that target this audience, one of them being the music element of this film. Every Bond film will tend to be sung by a different singer and would have an entirely different tune than the one before and after it. Before Spectre, it was Skyfall and its main theme song was sung by Adele. There is a cross promotion for this film due to the fanbase of the singer. The singer who sung the main theme for Spectre is called Sam Smith. This is a British singer who has a wide fanbase. Now considering, this is a new and well known singer, by using him to sing a song for the main theme for Britain's most famous film would join many fans and consumers. Fans of Sam's content (even international ones) would go and see the film as he has participated in creating and singing the main theme song.
3) Possible audience pleasures-
One main pleasure that audiences would have is the historic element to Britain. Stereotypically, Britain is seen to be a country who is built up of ancient and historical laws and aesthetics as there are so many famous landmarks taking people back 100's of years such as, the Big Ben. In addition. audience want to see more difference in the tone and theme of British films. People are so used to viewing American films and they would like to explore into other nationalities of film types such as this.
Furthermore, considering that the majority of films are from America, people don't actually see films based around Britain unless it is filmed in Britain etc. Often, British films tend to show knowledge about the monarch and audiences from America may fee fascinated by this as they haven't experienced a monarch before and this can be portrayed through a film such as this.
4) Similar films for audience-
- Kingsman the secret service
- Johnny English
- Bridge of spies
- Taken
1) Details about the film studio:
Production company-
- Columbia pictures
What other films have they produced-
- The Amazing Spiderman
- Robocop
- Men In Black 3
- Terminator
- Surfs up
Track record with the type of film and audience-
Columbia Pictures have a variety of films that they create and is a multi film company that doesn't focus around a central theme or idea. They do tend to base their films under the 12A certificate and do a lot of family related movies. Most of their movies are either PG or under the 12A category. Moreover, they do not just focus on this type of film. They have a wide range of genres that their movies appeal to.
2) Distribution company:
- Sony Pictures Entertainment
Other films they produced-
- Elysiam
- Paul Blart: Mall Cop
- Hancock
- Spiderman 2
3) Track record in terms of audience and type of film:
Sony seems to do the same type of films as Columbia Pictures do as Columbia Pictures is part of the Sony branch and therefore, is likely to produce or distribute films from similar category. Sony often has their films rated below the 12A mark as well as focus of a variety of films, not just one.
4) Budget for the film:
Budget- $245,000,000
5) Financial success of film:
Grossed- £200,000,000 in USA alone
Opening weekend- $70,500,000
USA- $200,000,000
UK- £623,433,808.69
International- 679,500,000
6) Success nationally or internationality:
The data shows that the film did better nationally in England than compared to other countries such as America which is where most of the viewers are from (for other movies). England has made 400,000,000 more than compared to America. However internationally, the film still beat England's box office hit record. The film managed to gain nearly 700,000,000 at the box office. Films now days are not always dominated nationally. This is because it is considered mainstream in one country, but can attract a whole segment of viewers in another. And the type of film can actually attract a larger group of people due to its content being different.
7) Certificate for the film and reason:
The film Spectre was given a 12A and I do agree with this decision to an extent. This is because the film contained a lot of violence and action scene which is the primary reason for the 12A certificate and cannot be viewed by a younger audience. However, I do disagree with this as Bond films do tend to have sexual activity within them and according to the points for a 15 certificate, sexual encounters would be closer to a 15 certificate. Furthermore, the film doesn't structure its entire film around this,
it is mostly filled with action and violence which is probably why it isn't with the 15 certificate as there is not much sexual or even strong language present during the film. This is why the film is a 12A certificate, as it focuses on the action sequences which is what makes a Bond film great in the public's eyes.
1) Representation of people, groups and location seen in the film:
The most common representation is of the British male. The character James Bond is seen to represent the country, portraying it to the world that Britain has men like this; men who take risks and care for society.
Another representation is Britain being portrayed as a white dominant country. There are a few non-white characters in this film and is largely dominated by white ethnic people. This represents Britain being more of its historical ethnicity.
Furthermore, the white characters are seen to be fairly upper class. Even in the scene where James is in public, we see a lot of white people smarty dressed showing their class.
Finally, the foreigners are seen as the villains. We see that the villain (or part villain) is a foreigner and is not from Britain. This shows that the film carries those ideologies of non-Britons being a threat.
2) Aspect of Britishness within the film (extent):
The location of the film is the biggest aspect of Britishness and it is the location than theme that makes this film stand out. Most films that are released are from America and are often set in America, however one of the biggest soy films is British and it is the location and type of character that makes British people want to watch it. It makes Britons proud that they have a successful film franchise like James Bond.
The British people is another aspect of Britishness that is represented through the film. The film seems to be conveying to the world that Britain has people like this, like James Bond who are dedicated towards their country. Its as if the film is portraying the typical British person through their most well known film character.
3) Representation of Britain compared to Ill Manors:
Both films portray Britain is a different way. The slogan of Ill Manors even states their portrayal of Britain. First of all, Ill Manors, basing it off of them, tone and style of the film the audience can see a negative view point of Britain. There is very little colour and if there was, it would be dull and grey colours. In addition to this, the people are portrayed very differently. In James Bond the characters are presented as strong and loyal to their peers whereas Ill Manors have their character speaking slang and dressed like criminals.
In addition, Ill Manors was created on political ground and had a political aspect to it whereas Spectre didn't. The main purpose for creating Spectre was to carry on the franchise of the well known James Bond franchise as well as to continue and entertain the public. Ill Manors director Ben Drew even stated that his film is to create a message to the government and to the people around the world. He dislikes the changes made to the country and its affect on young people. He wanted to make a film that would show how the youth are suffering from this change and how the government are doing wrong.
4) Values and ideologies seen in the film:
Another value and ideology is that Britain can make as good films as America.This film is to counter the American films and show how Britain can still create fine films such as this. The film is seen to represent the country. Furthermore, another film that represents Britain in an equal state is Harry Potter. The film is set around London and is themed around the country. This franchise represents Britain as holding the most amazing franchises as well as authors.
Case study comparison:
Both films consider and relate to justice in a way. Ill Manors is about, how young teenagers need to watch themselves from the police as they may be seen doing criminal related things. The idea of justice is also the main motive for the director Ben Drew to make the film Ill Manors. This is because he wants to create justice for the youth and how they are being ill treated by society, and by him creating this film he is trying to create a message to society to change their view of the youth. Spectre on the other hand, is about a man who is trying to bring the bad guys to justice due to them harming James and his country.
Ill Manors and Spectre both take place in the same country/location- Britain. Even though they are both created and set around these locations, it doesn't mean that their portrayals of these locations is going to be the same. Both Ill Manors and Spectre are themed and are known to be set around Britain/London. Their characters are also there to reflect their environments. This is clearly evident as both characters from both films seem to be different due to the different take/portrayal of their environment.
Ill Manors is more accurately based on truth and true event that have occurred whereas Spectre is mostly made up and is not based around reality. Ill Manors isn't a films for just entertainment purposes. It is also their to inform and educate the consumer/viewer of the content. Ben Drew wanted the viewers to understand the problems that the youth face due to the changes made by the government. Spectre on the other hand, is primarily there to entertain audiences and those who are fans of this franchise. Spectre has generated this big fan base that goes back to 70 years worth of James Bond related content. The current James Bond films link with one another and therefore, it is needed for another movie to come about to finish off the story line or perhaps continue a new one.
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