Thursday, 28 January 2016

ILL MANORS Music video Analysis

1. This is typical of a music video that is produced as Plan B has a clear narrative to address to the audience. The narative in place here is one to do with the London riots that had previously taken place in 2011, it shows what had happened during that period of time. In majority of the music video you could identify the main star which was Plan B himself which in most music videos you are able to identify the star themselves clearly. Also, the music was parallel to the video itself and in very few circumstances is it contrapuntal in music videos. The music video was to promote the artist himself and his film but the narrative of the story wasn't similar to the film but only a reference to the behaviour taken place in the film although the characters present in the film were also in the music video themselves. The setting of the music video is parallel to the song itself as it is a rap song and is in an urban area, there is a view of council houses, estates, people who are seen to be hooligans (people in joggers and hoodies). This is very typical of a urban rap song as it talks about the struggle in life and usually promotes those who are seen to be of a working class status and haven't achieved much in today's life therefore are strugglers. The area is also in London which is seen to be run down and this is a link between the area that video was shot and the areas that the riots took place in during 2011. Finally, another key convention seen in this music video is the build up of a symbolic event. This is apparent through out the music video when Plan B develops his narrative as well as the footage developing the symbolic meaning. Both of these help to build a symbolic meaning which is the power of the youth. The youth is seen tearing up the streets of London showing their power and dominance over the government. It is this symbol and meaning that the music video is developing; to try and get a message across to as many people as possible. In addition, there is synergy in this music video. Plan B has recently made a film (at the time of filming this music video) which is called "Ill Manors". Synergy is cross promotion between two (or more) media forms for example in this music video, it is promoting the film Ill Manors. The music video contains 'cameos (people who do not effect the narrative but are famous people that are in a clip for a small amount of time e.g. Stan Lee in Marvel movies)'. This music video has cameos of the actors from the film Ill Manors and this acts as a way for Plan B to promote his upcoming film by introducing some of the actors gin his music video.

2. Another way in which this music video represents London Rioters is in a heroic way. This is apparent in the video, where there a a hoodling helping out an old lady cross the road. This is because the video is trying to show society what the youth are 'actually' like and that the media's perception on them is incorrect (as well as the governments). Furthermore, the proffered reading of this music video is that the London Rioters are causing nothing but harm to people's lives and society. However, an alternative perception is (from a youngsters perspective) that the rioters are giving them a voice. The rioters are trying to get all of England's youth to be heard and are acting in such a way to benefit all of them. In a way, the rioters are presented as the heroes (in the alternative way) and the police are presented as the villains who do not want their voice to be heard. The people themselves who are taking part in the riots are seen to be young and represented as being working class due to the hooded clothes that are being worn. The rioters are seen to be harmful and endangering those who are around them. The police is also given a very positive role fighting off those who are against keeping peace and promoting the riots; although, there is also an alternative side to the police that we see which is also being violent as the rioters that have been captured in the footage of the music video.

3. The music video was released so that it could promoted equality and is used as a protest, because of this oe pleasure that the audience retrieves from this music video is that the audience recieves is information. The audience is educated with the knowledge about what is happening during the London riots and who is being victimised. It could cause the audience to be more rebellious and question what they believe and what is being portrayed in the media as the song is a rebellious act towards those who are seen to be higher class and in some instances pushing down the lower class and victimising them. The video is also simply a source of entertainment for the audience. The use of the narrative could be a way for the audience to just entertain themselves and those who are admirers of Plan B and his music would also be watching the music video to view him. The fanbase that he has managed to rally over the years would find his music and his videos as a source of entertainment so that the audience can watch it whenever they see suitable. Some members of the audience may seem themselves being represented in the music video as they could be from a low income family or see themselves as being part of a group of gang. A minority of that took part in the London riots may see themselves as being represented in the video which is one of the reason which they wish to view the video and is a source of pleasure for them.

4. Synergy is used with the music video and the film as some of the cast from the film are in the music video. The cross promotions comes from the title of the song and the title of the movies. This means that audiences would be able to assume the extras from the music video have similar characterisitcs and experiences to those from the film. For example, a character who is a thief could have influenced many other council kids around him to become thieves as well. Also, social networking would allow Plan b's fans to find out about the film through the music video. This is because Plan B probably would have had created hashtags, having an account dedicated for the film which would be connected with the music video. For example, if a fan were to listen to his music and enjoy it. They would definitely want to watch the film that is promoted a few months after the music video's release. 

  • Warner brothers
  • 679 album
Ill Manors is a soundtrack album by British musician and rapper Plan B released on 23 July 2012 as the soundtrack to the film of the same name. Several songs were used in the film Ill Manors, although some of the recordings were completed after the release of the film. The record was mainly produced by Al Shux and Plan B and also features collaborations with LabrinthKanoTakura Tendayi and John Cooper ClarkeIll Manors debuted at number one on the UK Album Charts and received positive reviews by critics. The album was nominated for the Mercury Prize.
The ILL Manors music video was funded by 679 recording by Warner brothers. The album was released in 2012 during the Olympics and then became viral within the area. As a result they would be able to finance the promotion on various media platforms but the most effective way in my opinion would be on social media. This is because it would be able to reach a lot more of Plan B's fans as the majority of them are young teenagers and are avid users of social media. By using E-media to promote the song it may also be able to promote the film that goes with it as there wouldn't be any other large costs as posing to social network sites such as facebook and instagram is free. During the promotion for his million-selling The Defamation of Strickland BanksPlan B (aka Ben Drew) regularly discussed his future return to hip hop’s gritty realism. Rumours swirled that his mooted follow-up, The Ballad of Belmarsh, would be self-released after his label 679 questioned its commerciality.

Monday, 25 January 2016

ILL MANORS Trailer Analysis

Release date
Non dietetic sound
fast paced editing 
Barthes enigma and action codes

How are trailers distributed
The trailer have a joined corporations with different companies e.g ILL Manors is joined with BBC and the British film industry. This gives the film more money for their production  as also raises the overall image of the film as these are well known companies. Many film trailers have a variety of institutions so they can collect money from each institution instead of one. Trailers and teasers are published before or during the release date of the trailer.

3) How does Ill Manors trailer use trailer convention?

There are many ways in which the IlL Manors trailer follows the key conventions for a trailer. One being that it sets the tone for the film. The tone (judging from the trailer) seems to convey a darker tone in the streets of London. This is really important when making a trailer as the trailer needs to reflect the tone in which the film is going to portray. In addition, the next most important key convention that Ill Manors trailer follows is revealing the characters included within the film and and in sight into their background, giving the audience important information about the film. Finally, the choice of music that was present in this trailer helped to illustrate the kind of audience that  this film may attract which seems to be teenagers (15-25 demographic). This also sets the genre of the film which seems to be a crime drama.

4) Target audience and possible USP?

Firstly, the tone of the trailer gives off a grime and gritty theme to the trailer showing that this film isn't for a family but rather for teenagers who understand the dark tone as well as violence. Moreover, there is excessive references to prostitution as well as drugs. These references according to the BBFC agree ratings for films, any references to such content is classified 15 or over (18). Finally, another thing that shows the type of demographic that this film is targeting is the use of dialogue. There is not narrator in this trailer, but there is voice-overs of characters dialogue from the film. This style of narrating really work well to attract an older age group as they are more into the visuals rather than the narrators voice and by having scenes where characters say dialogue really helps to deliver that.

5) A possible USP that Ill Manors may have is the use of Plan B's tracks. In this trailer, the director (who is a member of Plan B group) has revealed a glimpse into one of the bands latest tracks within this trailer. In a way, having exclusive sound track makes the film have a USP as fans of the band are more likely to go an watch this due to their relation with the music artists. Moreover, in today's society, people expect trailer to cut to the beat of the music that is paying in the background (example is Batman V Superman trailer). This is seen as an expectation now days and has revolutionised the way that trailers are made. The Ill Manors trailer has followed this trend of cutting to the beat. Towards the end, (when the rap music plays) the scenes are edited according to the drop in the sound which flows the expectations (now days) of modern trailers. 

Thursday, 21 January 2016

ILL Manors review

Director - The director of the film is Ben Drew but also know as Plan B due to his musical talents that he's known for that.

Plot - The film was about two male protagonists called Aaron and Ed. the film goes through their life as it progresses with terrifying situations.

Characters -  The two main protagonists were Aaron and Ed as they were frequently shown in important scenes.

Genre - The genre of the film is a crime drama, this is identifiable from the film as there are scenes that are to do with people living in urban areas and their lifestyle. The drama accept to it is all the characters playing a role in eachother life and how eveything links back together.

Soundtrack - The soundtrack of the film was created by Plan B and it really matched the overall theme of  the film as it highlights the hood life. This was done to fit the the genre of the film and the whole urban lifestyle as Plan B has been exposed to this before and made songs based on it. It was also beneficial as he's been seen in films such as 'Adulthood' and knows what soundtrack would be expected for the audience

Audience - The audience is aimed at mainly 14-40 year olds as a crime drama is most likely to be for a younger audience especially when in urban areas, those who are of an older age may be put off by the use of slang which is why this promotes a younger audience. The split of male to female would be 50:50 as it is mainly about the lifestyle of those in urban areas and not focusing on the sex of any character although some may argue that it targets mainly men due to the violence and criminal side that the film displays.

The film 'Ill Manors' shows the life's of those who are lower class and struggle financially and mentally and physically the film shows a corrupt town full of corrupt people who have been torn apart. IMDb has rated this film a 7.0 out of 10, reinforcing the fact that it is a great film. In addition to this, rotten tomatoes has scored the film 79% and the audience have scored it 71%. The film introduces a variety of characters which all have links with other characters. The narrative is explained by free styling over a beat and telling the story as the film progresses. the film is not gender biased as they also show women as to be the hero like figure as the help each other escape from the corruption of people. this film can have a huge impact to the younger audience such a teenagers nowadays as they may seek this type of behaviour in which they can relate to. However, Aaron and Ed had moments where they were sympathetic for certain people about something. The scene with the baby is where both characters show they have a heart despite the fact that Aaron used the baby as an asset to hide his gun. This seems as their normal everyday life as they have been living like this for a long time. On the other hand, there is a women who is a prostitute and often gets beaten up by the man who owns her the film is really enjoyable and engaging  so i would perhaps give it a 8/10. 

Sunday, 17 January 2016

The British Film Industry: Institutional Context

1) The cultural test is a 'gateway' to accessing the UK film tax relief and this is also included as one of the cafeterias used to apply for the BFI film fund. To apply for a cultural test there must be one film production company that is officially registered with Companies House. The film production must be set up before film making begins and have responsibility for all aspect of the film making process as well as pre-production. 

The Sweeney:

Financing: £3,000,000
Location: London (4 points)
Characters: Protagonists are British (4 points)
Language of dialogue: English (6 points)
Use of British creativity: 4 points
British subject matter: 4 points
Practitioners: 7 points
Cultural centre: 2 points

Attack The Block:

Financing: $8,000,000
Location: London (4 points)
British subject matter: (0 points)
Characters: British (4 points)
Language of dialogue: English dialogue used (6 points)
Use of British creativity: Black ethnicity used (4 points)
Practitioners: 7 points
Cultural centre: 2 points

The King's Speech:

Financing: £15,000,000
Location: London (4 points)
British subject matter: (4 points)
Characters: British (4 points)
Language: English (6 points)
Use of British creativity:
Practitioners: 7 points
Cultural centre: 2 points


Financing: £200,000,000
Location: London (4 points)
British subject matter: 4 points
Characters: British (4 points)
Language: English dialogue (6 points)
Practitioners: 5 points
Cultural centre: 2 points

3. One problem that may be faced is that Hollywood actors are seen to be more glamorous than British actors, this would mean that to attract a large audience an American actor is used to encourage more people to view the film as they have the lead role. Also, some people may be more inclined to go and base their careers in Hollywood as the advantages lure away the British actors. America and Britain have the same native language so it is a lot easier for American films to be exported to the UK.

4. One strength of British film industry is that they've had a film industry since before world war one such as Ealing and Pinewood studios. In addition, the camera companies and digital post-production houses attract people from America meaning investors are more likely to invest in British films. Another advantage is the skills that have been displayed in British films such as the 'Harry Potter' franchise that is known world wide which was created by J.K Rowling.

5. British film makers could work with American film industries but this could also mean the loss of the element of the film being British. The second way is to make a low budget film making the film itself British but will only target a minority of people.

6. I think that it is better for British film makers to work with American film industries as they could still promote British films to a larger audience and doesn't necessarily mean the loss of British identity in the films. The film is more likely to be successful and if so would promote British films on the whole.

Section B - The Film Industry

British films were being produced as early as 1888 and are mainly based on the average lives of British citizens with a bias towards the working classes, a bias that has continued to be a strong theme through the history of British film.

What makes a film British?
It is up to a film's producers to say their film is British when they submit it to be considered for a Bafta. Bafta rules say a British film must be an example of "outstanding and original British film-making". Gravity was judged to be British because it was was filmed in the UK and its special effects were made in Britain. Nik Powell from Bafta said: "We're proud that films like Gravity are British and we're proud to have them made here by British people."

What is the difference between a Hollywood production context and production context of a British film?
One of the key differences between the British and American film industries which is the catalyst of the significant financial success of Hollywood productions is the studio system. This is where a company invests money into a film and recoups the money it takes at the box office. This money is then invested into new projects and more often than not American films make a profit and the cycle continues.

When did the James Bond franchise start?
The films are the longest continually running and the third-highest-grossing film series to date, which started in 1962 with Dr. No, starring Sean Connery as Bond. As of 2016, there have been twenty-four films in the Eon Productions series which is quite impressive as all of the James bond films have become successful.

A British actor usually appeals to the audience and the focus on British culture is usually successful when promoting a British film. Class, social strife and education is also something that attracts the audience. 

Friday, 1 January 2016

LR feedback

The institution has subverted the stereotypical seatbelt advertisement by revealing a subtle picture of the situation, whilst the norm is for the advertisement to be explicit and brutal, portraying the harsh reality of the situation. Sussex safer roads partnership have cleverly and successfully built an emotional connection with the audience. They have done this by using a family to play act a serious scenario which some viewers have knowledge about through being a witness of a road accident or other adverts. However, 'embrace life' took a gentle and alternative approach to creating this advert as it doesn't show blood, goor and the outcome of a crash without a seat belt. The slogan implies something positive and the audience could possibly imply before watching the clip it is going to be unique. Also, the music used is contrapuntal to a car crash (classical) because its soft but parallel with a middle class family as it could potentially be something a family would listen to. Slow motion is used throughout the clip with close ups so the audience are able to identify their sleeves with the family members used and to build an emotional connection. Furthermore, the living room setting suggests its the family's house and it is a realistic setting which the audience will be able to relate with. In addition, the females were the people showing affection and the male (more risk taking) was the driver in the collision. The high key lighting creates a real life setting as the only light used is from the living room light.