Thursday, 21 January 2016

ILL Manors review

Director - The director of the film is Ben Drew but also know as Plan B due to his musical talents that he's known for that.

Plot - The film was about two male protagonists called Aaron and Ed. the film goes through their life as it progresses with terrifying situations.

Characters -  The two main protagonists were Aaron and Ed as they were frequently shown in important scenes.

Genre - The genre of the film is a crime drama, this is identifiable from the film as there are scenes that are to do with people living in urban areas and their lifestyle. The drama accept to it is all the characters playing a role in eachother life and how eveything links back together.

Soundtrack - The soundtrack of the film was created by Plan B and it really matched the overall theme of  the film as it highlights the hood life. This was done to fit the the genre of the film and the whole urban lifestyle as Plan B has been exposed to this before and made songs based on it. It was also beneficial as he's been seen in films such as 'Adulthood' and knows what soundtrack would be expected for the audience

Audience - The audience is aimed at mainly 14-40 year olds as a crime drama is most likely to be for a younger audience especially when in urban areas, those who are of an older age may be put off by the use of slang which is why this promotes a younger audience. The split of male to female would be 50:50 as it is mainly about the lifestyle of those in urban areas and not focusing on the sex of any character although some may argue that it targets mainly men due to the violence and criminal side that the film displays.

The film 'Ill Manors' shows the life's of those who are lower class and struggle financially and mentally and physically the film shows a corrupt town full of corrupt people who have been torn apart. IMDb has rated this film a 7.0 out of 10, reinforcing the fact that it is a great film. In addition to this, rotten tomatoes has scored the film 79% and the audience have scored it 71%. The film introduces a variety of characters which all have links with other characters. The narrative is explained by free styling over a beat and telling the story as the film progresses. the film is not gender biased as they also show women as to be the hero like figure as the help each other escape from the corruption of people. this film can have a huge impact to the younger audience such a teenagers nowadays as they may seek this type of behaviour in which they can relate to. However, Aaron and Ed had moments where they were sympathetic for certain people about something. The scene with the baby is where both characters show they have a heart despite the fact that Aaron used the baby as an asset to hide his gun. This seems as their normal everyday life as they have been living like this for a long time. On the other hand, there is a women who is a prostitute and often gets beaten up by the man who owns her the film is really enjoyable and engaging  so i would perhaps give it a 8/10. 

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